Benefits of an SCMS Individual Membership
Individual members of the Society receive digital access to
the Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (JCMS, formerly Cinema Journal),
access to the members' area, and all relevant mailings issued by SCMS. Members are invited to attend
and participate in the annual conference and may submit essays for publication in
The SCMS conference is held annually in different national and international locations (examples of past conference sites include Chicago, Denver, Toronto, and Boston). Its goal is to highlight new and ongoing
research in the field through the presentation of scholarly papers and screenings of films, videos, and other related media. It also provides members with the opportunity to meet informally and to exchange ideas. The conference regularly schedules
professionally oriented workshops on publication, employment, pedagogy, research, new technology, and student issues; caucus and scholarly interest group meetings provide an invaluable opportunity to forge alliances and share insights; and the plenary
sessions invite the Society as a whole to discuss the critical issues that shape the profession. Additionally, each conference includes a series of special events related to the year’s venue.
JCMS, one of the field’s leading peer-reviewed journals, publishes essays on a wide variety of subjects from diverse methodological perspectives. A "Professional Notes” section informs members about upcoming events, research opportunities, and
the latest published research, and an "In Focus” section presents a variety of opinions on a cross section of subjects. The journal also includes a book review section, featuring discussions of the latest texts in the field, written by leading Film
and Media scholars.
The Society also sponsors annual award competitions to honor professional and scholarly achievements in film and media scholarship. These honors include awards for books, edited collections, essays, and dissertations. SCMS
also recognizes other forms of professional distinction with awards for pedagogy and service. Members are eligible for any of the above awards.
SCMS recognizes that independent scholars, precariously employed academics, and booksellers need research resources and services beyond what most public libraries can offer. Working with the Society Library, we crafted a special option for members of SCMS offering access to electronic resources; Interlibrary Loan services; 10 building visits per year, including access to most member-only spaces; and access to expert reader’s advisory and reference services, for $170 per year. Memberships and renewals will be handled directly by the Society Library.
A final benefit of SCMS membership is the opportunity it provides for members to network with one another through the Society’s various caucuses, groups, and networks. SCMS enables the creation web-based communities supported by group pages and
e-mail listservs, and bulletin boards for members to post and read current announcements on the SCMS website. Members are also invited to interact with one another through the social networking capacities of the SCMS website (which can be enabled
through individual and group profile settings). Membership in SCMS, therefore, offers on-line and in-person access to over 2,500 scholars and professionals in the fields of Film, Television, and Media.
Individual memberships rates are determined by a sliding scale of personal income.
Become a member or renew your membership now >